Blessed Hearts Foundation
Blessed Hearts Foundation is a premier charity with the mission to provide quality education and a safe, healthy future for those who need it most.

Blessed Hearts Foundation is a charity for Children created in November 2008 with the intention to improve and uplift the condition of the less fortunate children in India, from providing education, nourishment and healthcare support, thus better the future for the children of India. The foundation now works to support Autism awareness & effective treatment initiation as its primary objective.

To improve and uplift the condition of the less fortunate children in all ways possible. To mainstream children from street to school life: Children are also provided access to primary and secondary schools. To feed the undernourished children of India. To provide adequate healthcare support for the needy children. To help find homes for orphans. To raise funds & create awareness of Autism in India.
Blessed Heart Foundation- Pioneering Social Change

It all began in 2008 with the idea to improve and uplift thecondition of the less fortunate children in India ; The Foundation also works to help find homes for orphan children. We at the Foundation help children with Autism. What is heart rendering is that the awareness of Autism in India is abysmally low. There are no real doctors, effective treatments, hospitals or practical help available in India. The Blessed Heart Foundation has grown into a force to reckon with and I’m overwhelmed by the love and support people have extended for this Initiative, year after year.

Action 4 Autism

Blessed Heart Foundation- Milestone

Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre
Action 4 Autism
Act 4 Autism is an initiative to raise the awareness about Autism by Blessed Hearts Foundation. Every Possible effort is taken to systematically raise the level of autism awareness, initiate the basic understanding of autism along with the treatment possibilities.

As a Fund-raising initiative, Baby Beri, a brand of kids clothes was launched in 2009. A fashion show by the kids for the kids is presented to a select audience as a tool to spread the message as well as to raise funds.

All the outfits at the fashion show are on sale and the funds collected are used to support various organisations & initiatives for Autism and other programmes for children upliftment. The entire collection is a contribution on behalf of Ritu Beri Designs Pvt. Ltd.
“Designing Kid’s clothing is a playful and joyful experience,” says Ritu Beri. “The endeavour is to showcase designs that are stylish, trendy and comfortable all at the same time. The idea is to bring out the youthfulness and cheerfulness of kids”.